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location: Diff for "FrontPage"
Differences between revisions 158 and 159
Revision 158 as of 2012-01-30 17:13:54
Size: 8114
Editor: retroj
Revision 159 as of 2012-02-03 18:56:41
Size: 8152
Editor: retroj
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * [[Support]] - Supporting Conkeror

About Conkeror

Conkeror is a keyboard-oriented, highly-customizable, highly-extensible web browser based on Mozilla XULRunner, written mainly in JavaScript, and inspired by exceptional software such as Emacs and vi. Conkeror features a sophisticated keyboard system, allowing users to run commands and interact with content in powerful and novel ways. It is self-documenting, featuring a powerful interactive help system.


Most development talk takes place on the IRC channel, however the mailing list is active and developers notify it when important things happen or break. The issue tracker's bug and feature request sections are generally up-to-date and tend to be very informative.


1. Installation and Startup

2. Using Conkeror

2.1. Essentials

  • Quick Start - A brief tour of the keys.

  • FAQ - Frequently asked questions.

  • Rc File - Configuration file or files loaded at start-up.

2.2. UI

2.3. Content

  • Webjumps - Working with webjumps - shortcuts to often-used pages.

  • Default Webjump - Setting up a default webjump.

  • Page Modes - Special functionality for particular web sites.

  • Content Handlers - Configuring actions and external programs for specific MIME types.

  • Protocol Handlers - Configuring external handlers for protocols.

  • Content Policy - Filtering and monitoring content requests.

  • Focus - Dealing with web pages that steal focus.

2.4. Environment

2.5. Reference

2.6. Misc

3. Programming Conkeror

4. Development Resources

5. Mozilla Development Resources

Using This Wiki

2. How to Use This Site

A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:

  • To edit this site, first create an account, then ask retroj, nicktastic, or jbms on #conkeror at irc.freenode.net for write access.

  • Edit any page by pressing Edit at the top or the bottom of the page.

  • Create a link to another page with joined capitalized words (like WikiSandBox) or with ["quoted words in brackets"].

  • Search for page titles or text within pages using the search box at the top of any page.
  • See HelpForBeginners to get you going, HelpContents for all help pages.

Conkeror.org: FrontPage (last edited 2016-07-27 10:10:03 by Tor)