There are two modules currently available in Conkeror for tabs, tab-bar.js, and new-tabs.js. There are plans to merge them into a single module in the future.
1. tab-bar.js
The first version is tab-bar.js, which is the older variant using a classical tab look.
1.1. Features
- Classical look on the tabs, with "close" buttons on the right hand side of the currently selected tab.
- Favicon support.
1.2. Known problems
- Can cause flickering and 100% CPU time when having a certain number of tabs open. We think we know what causes this.
- Difficult or impossible to skin properly at the moment. There has been some discussion on the causes of this, but it really bottoms down to the "!important" CSS property.
2. new-tabs.js
The newer version is new-tabs.js, which is largely based on tab-bar.js, but takes a rather different approach to the actual tabs. Using CSS, it can be skinned by users according to their own tastes. A default skin is provided.
2.1. Features
Absolute visual customizability through standard CSS. More info can be found at StylingChrome.
- Display of buffer numbers.
Mouse buttons for selecting and closing tabs can be customized (defaults to left and right mouse buttons, respectively). For more information, C-h v tab_bar_button_select and C-h v tab_bar_button_close.
2.2. Known problems
- When first having a lot of tabs open and then closing one or more of them, sometimes the tabs aren't properly aligned anymore.
- Doesn't have favicons, but instead has numbered tabs and no option for favicons.
- Doesn't have the option of showing "close" buttons like in tab-bar.js.
2.3. Skins
- Feel free to add your personalized skins to new-tabs.js here!